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"Sang Graal" is an opus magnum, built in symbiotic collaboration during the last two years by the French masters of martial neo-classic Dawn and Dusk Entwined and the German Ritual-folk-band :Golgatha: - both formations well know from their recent albums on CMI. Both bands worked on all tracks together, combining their styles and forces to create a powerful neo-classical-folk-opera with occasional glimpses of soundtrack pathos and dark ambience. A wide range of acoustic instruments was used (guitar, viola, bass guitar, flute, gong, piano, dulcimer, percussion) and at least three vocalists appear including Sorakey from :Golgatha: s appraised Tales of Transgression and Sacrifice . Martial tunes like "The Messiah" or "Cross of Lorraine" and majestic folk hymns like "Crusade" and "A Seeker Divine" will rule the darkest dance floors worldwide, while introspective ballads invite those interested in a deep listening experience. "Sang Graal" is true aural mythology! The title refers to the myth of the Saint Graal, the holy grail , and the sang réal , the bloodline of Jesus Christ. The album researches on various levels the different readings of the grail through the centuries, from an ancient fertility rite to the popular conspiracy theory. In its astral-mythical origins, long before its Christian interpretation, the Holy Grail is the spring and the magic cauldron of daylight itself the Sun. But the Sun has to be cut from the clouds and to be won: Indra in the Indian myth and Thor in the Germanic myth were the heroes who conquered the cauldron of the Sun through the Spear of Lightning. Only later this cauldron became the Christian chalice, in which Joseph of Arimatäa caught the blood of Christ, this differently hot essence from the Other Sun Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope The pagan roots of this myth are once again revealed! The digipak cover features unique photos by Birthe Klementowski and photos/artwork by David Sabre.


Style:Modern Classical, Neofolk


  Fertility Rights4:22
  The Messiah5:32
  A Seeker Divine3:20
  What The Thunder Said4:49
  The Death Of Dagobert II6:22
  Heretic Prayer3:22
  The Caves Of Montsegur6:25
  The Cross Of Lorraine4:15
  Ruins In The Waste Land6:18

:Golgatha: And Dawn & Dusk Entwined – Sang Graal

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