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Lidaverken Del I: Att i Vådeld Förgås

DET KÄTTERSKA FÖRBUND (Nordvargr + Trepaneringsritualen)

CD Digipak (CSR265CD) - COLD SPRING 


DET KÄTTERSKA FÖRBUND consisting of the two giants dominating the Death Industrial world - Thomas Ekelund (Trepaneringsritualen, Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words) + Henrik Nordvargr Björkk (MZ.412, Pouppée Fabrikk, Folkstorm, etc) - has been slowly and methodically working for almost 5 years to finish the first album of this double-headed abomination. 
Patience richly rewarded.
You can instantly feel the presence of lurking unease as the album slowly opens up a distorted world of familiar sounds and voices, but there is something special about these recordings; the menacing aura that has been created adds new elements to the otherwise rigid tropes of the genre. Punishingly heavy rhythmic tracks, with savage incantations from both Thomas and Nordvargr, gratifyingly familiar to fans of the artists' main projects, are flanked by these death-scarred lamentations.

1. He Will Fall
2. Endless Golgatha
3. Att i Vådeld Förgås
4. Sacred Grounds
5. Bar är Broderlös Rygg
6. Vid Hälleberg
7. Vanhelgat Vard Ditt Namn




Lidaverken Del I: Att i Vådeld Förgås DET KÄTTERSKA FÖRBUND (Nordvargr + Trepane

13,00 €Prix
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